Application Guidelines
The Glenn Foundation provides annual grants to federally tax-exempt institutions and nonprofit agencies that are organized and operated for civic, environmental, health, educational, cultural and human services needs. One application per agency will be accepted for each grant cycle. The Foundation awards grants to agencies located in Gaston County or to out of county agencies whose projects provide direct services in Gaston County. The Foundation will not ordinarily fund agency programs or services beyond three consecutive years. The Foundation awards seed money and operating grants, but does not award planning grants, grants to individuals, or grants for scholarships. The Foundation does not give grants to private schools. The Foundation will consider requests for capital campaigns on a case by case basis and considers multi-year funding requests one year at a time, limited to a total of five years.
Application Process
The Foundation has one grant cycle each year with a deadline of March 1. When March 1 falls on a weekend, the deadline for applications will be the Monday following March 1. Requests for application forms may be made to the Foundation's office at any time but must be made in writing either by mailing the request to the address at the bottom of this page or emailing to
Requests for applications must include the following information:
- Name and Address of the Applying Organization
- Contact Person
- Contact Telephone Number and Email Address
Directors will only consider proposals made on the current application form, which is available electronically. All applications must be submitted in accordance with the guidelines provided on the form and include a completed application and the following additional supporting documentation:
- Budget for Proposed Project, including income and expenditures
- Overall Operating Budget for your Organization
- List of the Board of Directors
- Most Recent Financial Audit or Year-End Financial Statement (Form 990)
- Documentation of 501(c)(3) Tax Exempt Status, if applicable.
The Board of Directors meets after the deadline to consider each application and notifies each applicant in writing of its final decision before June 30. Grant funds are paid after July 1. Grantees must file a written summary of accomplishments and an accounting of funds midway through and at the close of the grant period.

Union Commons • 1552 Union Rd • Suite D • Gastonia, NC 28054
Phone: 704.867.0296